The TR firm also offers for individual students studying in Canada, special rates for shipping baggage to the school destination. Plan to avoid additional and restricted airline baggage charges. Ship with a professional international mover. Contact one of our associates in your home country in regard to this offer or Tippet Richardson directly through our website for more information.

Here are a few helpful suggested links for your search on schools

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada

Association of Canadian Community Colleges

Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials

Canadian Universities have a good reputation.

Check this link: directory of Canadian higher education at uniRank.

Private and International Schools There are a number of international and foreign-language schools in Canada, mainly in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. For expats who want their children to be taught based on a curriculum that is available at home, International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes can be a good option and are widely available.